Print room output management
Data-centre printing : Reprographics output – or convergence of the two
In any production print scenario dependability is paramount. Efficiency and sound handling of peak production loads and business critical data and documents are essential. Whether it is for the data-centre or reprographics, ATI print management software enables you to:
– Add flexibility and control in the print room
– Automate workflow processes
– Manage peak production loads
– Ensure reliable and timely output
– Improve efficiency and customer service levels
– Enhance return on investment
– Account fully for activity and resources
With the convergence of digital device technology, merging data-centre printing and reprographics print room operations has become a possibility and one which can enable rationalisation of production print hardware to gain better utilisation and improved return on investment. ATI software, by being able to manage both transactional variable data jobs and document jobs, can facilitate such convergent strategies by enabling output management of both types from the same common print room console.
Job management within the print room
Print queue management
As an “open system” docQmanager works with any Windows supported device providing complete control over jobs and print queues in the CRD/Print room, whether they are transactional variable data jobs or job ticketed document jobs . Simple and easy to use it enables you to manage, prioritise, copy and move jobs between print queues with the click of a mouse. It can split and cluster jobs across queues for increased throughput. Processes and workflows may be automated to match individual operational requirements, including automated job archive and deletion for efficient job housekeeping.
Automated device set up
To retain the benefit from the power of modern device drivers for job imposition and colour management, ticketed jobs are output using the relevant manufacturers’ device driver. To optimise operator efficiency and minimise errors, output device drivers are configured automatically by the docQticket system using job profiles determined from the job parameters set within the ticket. This functionality applies equally to Fiery controllers and manufacturers’ own device drivers.
Job preview
Jobs may be previewed before printing and browsed through by page as required to facilitate reprint of a page or parts of a job without reverting to the host application. Two optional docQview modules enable PCL and PostScript encoded jobs to be similarly previewed before printing and to facilitate reprints.
Hard copy jobs
Photocopying hardcopy still persists in reprographics print rooms. ATI hardcopy job ticketing enables the submission and processing of such work to be managed through the print room and costed and accounted for using the same job ticketing system as for electronic jobs. All managed through the same print room console.
Colour split
Where jobs include colour, they can be split to speed the production process and reduce cost of production . Running on the CRD print server, the optional docQsplit module automatically separates the colour pages from the black and white pages within a job and sends each to appropriate print queues within docQmanager. With the right chosen output device jobs may be automatically collated by machine. Alternatively they may be manually recompiled following the printed instructions automatically generated by the ATI software.
Process status and dashboard
The process status of any job within the system may be updated by operators as it moves through the print room. This can be particularly useful where shift operation is involved and knowledge of the status of any job is required for clean hand over between shifts. The job status can form part of a central print room job activity dashboard display as well as be displayed on a private web page for access by individual users to view the progress of their own jobs and, through a coloured “traffic light” system, how busy the print room is.
Print job accounting
All output activity may be tracked and reported for inclusion in external reporting systems. As well as ATI’s own client billing feature, ATI job ticketing software integrates with the leading network print cost recovery systems, including: Equitrac/Kofax, PaperCut, Pcounter, SafeCom, YSoft SafeQ, MyQ and Streamline NX. This enables total and consistent cost/client billing capability right through the organisation whether jobs are printed on the departmental network or in the CRD print room.
When print volumes are too large for the Print Room, or the print window is too small, docQmanager allows outsourcing to another print room. This could be a third-party off-site print bureau, or another managed print room within the organisation. They do not need to be on the same domain or even on the same network for this job transfer to take place. The only requirement is that they also run docQmanager.
Getting jobs to the print room
Electronic job ticketing
Job ticket submission can be by way of “file/print” from the application, or file upload via web browser, or job redirect from seamless interaction with pull-print system rules. Clean job ticket design and mandatory fields make misunderstandings between user and the CRD print room history. Each job sent to the CRD contains a comprehensive set of job parameters detailing what printing, finishing and delivery are required. Features such as: duplex or single-sided, stapled or punched, colour or b&w, style of envelope and mailing instructions… each can be defined, along with page exceptions and other special requirements. Network users can preview their job at their desktop before submission to see exactly what CRD will receive.
Flexible job submission from anywhere
Job submission licencing is by named user and gives all licenced users access to both “file/print” and web upload submission. The client user software may be installed on any number of machines throughout an organisation and in this way licensed users have full flexibility to submit work by either method from any suitably enabled device anywhere on the network.
Job collation
Using the docQcollate module option users can combine multiple documents from different applications, including PDFs, into a single job ticketed job for submission to the CRD print room. Typical applications include the preparation and submission of documentation like meeting agenda and minutes with attachments.
Ticket branding and styling
Job ticket content, including a job cost estimating feature, can be customised along with graphics and logos to meet corporate, departmental and user needs.